Annual Savings
Energy Savings
Payback Period
1.5 years


Completed: Summer 2015

L & F Jones Foodservice is a supplier of chilled and frozen goods. From their warehouse in Midsomer Norton their operation provides customers with a full range of ambient, chilled and frozen goods.

Through our friends at J Bracey Electrical it was apparent that the warehouse unit required an update to the lighting, the biggest problem being the poor light quality of the current installation. A survey of the warehouse provided us with familiar picture. Poor visibility and a dull atmosphere under the current SON lighting existed throughout the main body of the warehouse and refrigerated areas. Old fluorescent fittings in the offices and high output, high cost, metal halide floodlights on the exterior of the warehouse also needed addressing.

The benefits of new industrial LED technology can drastically help overcome poor light quality, high energy fittings and high maintenance levels in warehouses. To this end we proposed a 98W fitting with a 50,000 hour lifetime to replace the 250W SON fittings. This offered a projected annual energy saving of nearly £50,000 per year and a payback on the investment of under 1.5 years in this areas alone.

We also converted the other internal and exterior areas over to LED solutions providing additional annual energy savings over £12,500. Maintenance savings over the entire project also exceed £4,500 a year.

Efficiency in modern industrial lighting is nearly always supported by intelligent lighting controls. This project was no different with occupancy sensors on each fitting effectively keeping fittings dormant until triggered by an employee or customer.

In practice we have managed to reduce LF Jones monthly energy bill by 51% from £8,500 down to £4,335. This equates to annual savings of over £50,000 in energy only before the calculation of any maintenance savings.

“[Connected Light] together with J Bracey Electrical have provided us with a superb product and a solution that has not only improved our lighting levels but has also significantly reduced our energy costs.

We are delighted with the results of this investment and we are getting positive feedback from customers and staff.

This project has shown that our investment in quality lighting equipment will substantially reduce our future costs and Co2 emissions.”

Martin Jones, Chairman – L & F Jones Holdings Limited

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